Sunday, May 30, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
«Not banking on the banks» at BBC World Service, broadcast on Monday 24th May 2010
Our listening project has been lasting for 6 months. Now I can really see the progress comparing with the beginning. To understand the main idea of the most podcasts is not a problem for me. As for this one, it wasn’t too difficult. I listened to it only once and most of it was clear to me.
This podcast was about the banks, which have blown it. There are new forms of finance after the crash: person to person lending and banks without speculation. The founder of a new bank in Germany which plans only to borrow and lend. It intends to make money in the old-fashioned way without speculating on currencies and stock prices.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I had listened to one podcast:
«The Euro Crisis» at BBC World Service, broadcast on Wednesday 26th May 2010
I had an am to self-assess what skills do I have to listening tasks, especially how I can understand the authentic speech. I must admit, that it is much better than it was in the beginning of our listening project. Almost everything is clear for me. Now I needn’t listen to the hole podcast twice, just some difficult parts.
This podcast was about welfare safety nets, which could be put at risk if Europe does not undertake major structural reforms of its inflexible labour markets. Europe's social welfare systems could be put under threat if public debt continued to rise. And Lesley Curwen talks to Tim Adams, one of the speakers at the Brussels Economic Forum, where finance ministers, economists and EU officials have been meeting to discuss the euro crisis. Mr Adams, of the Lindsey Group gives us an American perspective on the turmoil in Europe and suggests that there's been a lack of clear leadership.


I had listened one podcast:
«China and the Euro» at BBC World Service, broadcast on 28th May 2010.
Actually, this podcast wasn’t too difficult for me. The rate of podcast presenter's speech wasn't too fast, but when speaks a person, asked to give interview, he naturally talks a little faster. The was only one moment in the middle of the article, which I had to listen to twice.
And now, let me say some words about the podcast. Europe's debt crisis is making waves across the world economy, and China especially has reason for serious concern. The European Union is China's biggest trading partner, and many firms which depend on European orders for their goods are getting worried about whether demand will fall off, as it did after the 2008 financial crisis. Also, I knew that Latvia still wants to join the euro-zone, even in the throes of Europe's debt crisis.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
«Up All Night» at BBC World service, broadcast Saturday 17th April 2010
This podcast was quite clear for me. I listened to it twice, but some phrases in the middle of podcast I had to listened three times for completely understanding, because of he rate of podcast. It was too fast. I must admit that my understanding of speakers now is better than it was before. So, I’m satisfied with my progress. 
Now, some words about the podcast. It was about the latest new facing volcano. The economy is affected by the volcano ash cloud. Disruption caused by the eruption of a volcano in Iceland is costing the industry 200 million dollars. Millions of passengers are still stranded after a huge cloud of ash grounded thousands of flights in the biggest air travel shutdown since World War II.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
“Currency Battles” at BBC World Service, broadcast Thursday 25th March 2010
Well, my listening task is not so difficult as it was before. The rate of podcast presenter's speech wasn't too fast, but when speaks a person, asked to give interview, he naturally talks a little faster. But I “caught” the sense and the meaning of many words was clear for me. It stands to reason that there are some moments which I have to listen to several times, but I can’t but admit that, listening to podcasts, my English is improving day after day.
And now, about the podcast. It was about currency battles between America and China. America argues that Beijing is keeping its currency artificially low with the result that the rest of the world has higher unemployment. America gets tough with China. There is a view, and that is that real politics will stop America going into a trade war. Also in the news was a discuss about a future for the electric car.


I had listened one podcast:
“Trouble and strife” at BBC World Service, broadcast Sunday 21st March 2010
It wasn’t a secret for me that I would have some problems with podcast. But people spoke slow enough to understand the sense. Sometimes I had to listen twice. In the whole, I must admit that this podcast wasn’t as difficult as others. So, maybe I have a really progress. But I still must listen to native speakers as much as possible. It’s necessary for pasting exam good.
Now, I’d like to say some words about the podcast. The news was about trouble and strife in Spain and Africa. Spain’s economy has a lot of problems. Property prices collapsed. Unemployment is now a staggering twenty per cent of the workforce. One of the big African problems is remoteness from markets - and the internet shrinks those distances.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
“The Exit Door” at BBC World Service, broadcast Tuesday 23rd February 2010
I had an am to self-assess what skills do I have to listening tasks, especially how I can understand the authentic speech.
I can’t but admit that the task is still difficult for me. I needed to listen to podcast twice and where the vocabulary was hard to recognize for three or four times. To tell the truth, sometimes it wasn’t enough for the complete understanding. The rate of podcast is still too fast for me.
This podcast helped me to realize how well I am ready to past my English exam. So, I must admit that I should listen to native speakers’ speech more often.
So, let me say some words about the podcast. The news was about the problem of American economics. The world is still awash with economic stimulus money, even though most economies are now out of recession. The question is how to exit gracefully from the stimulus, without threatening the recovery. Some commentators suggest America took its first big step towards the exit door, when the Fed raised the discount rate last week, which is used for emergency lending to banks.