Saturday, May 29, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
«China and the Euro» at BBC World Service, broadcast on 28th May 2010.
Actually, this podcast wasn’t too difficult for me. The rate of podcast presenter's speech wasn't too fast, but when speaks a person, asked to give interview, he naturally talks a little faster. The was only one moment in the middle of the article, which I had to listen to twice.
And now, let me say some words about the podcast. Europe's debt crisis is making waves across the world economy, and China especially has reason for serious concern. The European Union is China's biggest trading partner, and many firms which depend on European orders for their goods are getting worried about whether demand will fall off, as it did after the 2008 financial crisis. Also, I knew that Latvia still wants to join the euro-zone, even in the throes of Europe's debt crisis.

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