Sunday, March 28, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
“Currency Battles” at BBC World Service, broadcast Thursday 25th March 2010
Well, my listening task is not so difficult as it was before. The rate of podcast presenter's speech wasn't too fast, but when speaks a person, asked to give interview, he naturally talks a little faster. But I “caught” the sense and the meaning of many words was clear for me. It stands to reason that there are some moments which I have to listen to several times, but I can’t but admit that, listening to podcasts, my English is improving day after day.
And now, about the podcast. It was about currency battles between America and China. America argues that Beijing is keeping its currency artificially low with the result that the rest of the world has higher unemployment. America gets tough with China. There is a view, and that is that real politics will stop America going into a trade war. Also in the news was a discuss about a future for the electric car.

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