Saturday, May 29, 2010


I had listened to one podcast:
«The Euro Crisis» at BBC World Service, broadcast on Wednesday 26th May 2010
I had an am to self-assess what skills do I have to listening tasks, especially how I can understand the authentic speech. I must admit, that it is much better than it was in the beginning of our listening project. Almost everything is clear for me. Now I needn’t listen to the hole podcast twice, just some difficult parts.
This podcast was about welfare safety nets, which could be put at risk if Europe does not undertake major structural reforms of its inflexible labour markets. Europe's social welfare systems could be put under threat if public debt continued to rise. And Lesley Curwen talks to Tim Adams, one of the speakers at the Brussels Economic Forum, where finance ministers, economists and EU officials have been meeting to discuss the euro crisis. Mr Adams, of the Lindsey Group gives us an American perspective on the turmoil in Europe and suggests that there's been a lack of clear leadership.

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